Skills Intelligence.
That is actually intelligent.

Current skill management solutions depend on static job role generation, which proves not only challenging to maintain in a dynamic market but completely lack context.

24/7 Data Pipeline

Everything starts with the data; to capture the global job market dynamics, Appose SI collects and analyzes over 120,000 new job data points every single day. That is over 3,6 million per month. Data collected includes skills, roles, industry, seniority, region, and more.

Role Skill Service

Provides detailed skill maps for every benchmark role. It not only provides the key skills needed for each role but also the best-fit roles for a particular skill set. Other features include similar skills and similar roles, enabling organizations to identify additional opportunities for skill enhancement and role specialization.

Time Dynamics

Appose SI considers the time dimension when processing data. By analyzing data trends over time, it identifies patterns and fluctuations in skill demand. For example, if a skill experiences a rapid increase in demand over a specific period, Appose can alert organizations to this trend, enabling them to prioritize recruitment efforts or upskilling initiatives in that area.

Location Dynamics

Appose goes beyond mapping skills to roles—it understands their context in different geographical locations. For example, where a particular skill is more in demand and where it is more abundant, or how the same role differs based on location. This capability is invaluable for recruitment or setting up new offices in diverse locations.

Role Levels

Whether a benchmark role is for beginners or more experienced individuals, is considered alongside industry, location, and time contexts. This ensures that the system accurately reflects the skills needed for each role.

Relevant Intelligence

Being able to understand skills and roles in different contexts opens the doors to endless possibilities for tailored insights. For example, combining time and industry to track shifts in specific skills within the automotive sector over a period of time.

Attractivity Score

Measures how in demand or attractive a set of skills is compared to the job market at a specific location at a point in time, and suggests skills to learn to improve the score.


Easily add Skill Intelligence to your existing HR ecosystem including SAP SuccessFactors, via APIs or embeddable UI components.

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