Skill Gap Analysis,
Unlock Your Potential

Locate skill gaps in your organization in seconds

Instantly identify areas in your organization with the largest skill gaps with a unique sunburst. The inner level represents your departments, the middle represents the roles, and the outside represents the skills.

The lighter the color, the bigger the gap. It is that easy.

Your job roles are likely outdated, but you can easily change that

Closing skill gaps in your organization starts by your job role definitions. Easily compare your roles to current market data and close the benchmark gap.

  • Easy to use

  • Automatic Detection

  • Skill Recommendations

Role-level Gap Analysis

While skills are fundamental, identifying job roles with significant gaps in your organization is equally crucial.

An open position can greatly impact the overall skill gap in your organization, just as skill deficiencies at the employee level.

Easy to understand skill gap insights at every level

Discover key strengths and weakness within your organization and what to do about them.

Receive recommendations on closing skill gaps, whether through upskilling existing employees or considering new hires.

The ultimate Job Roles toolkit, included.

Roles Management

Manage your job role definitions. Create roles from scratch or automatically base it off a market benchmark.

Compare to Benchmark

Easily link and compare your job role definitions to current job market benchmarks.

Skills Recommendations

Receive automatic skill recommendations to bridge the gap between your job role definitions and dynamic market benchmarks.

Usage Insights

Gain insights into how job roles are utilized across positions within your organization.

Top and Bottom Skills

Efficiently prioritize what demands your attention. Top and Bottom Skills highlight the lowest and highest completions in your organization.

Proficiency Distribution

Pinpoint the proficiency level where a specific skill lags the most in your organization or department. Invaluable for devising targeted workshops.

Design Your Transformation.


Choose Type

Transformation Designer is a world-first tool that lets you easily visualize and plan a business transformation.

Simply put

For every change (e.g. closing down a department), appose calculates the effect it will have on your organization and generate tasks required to achieve an optimal transformation (e.g. relocations, layoffs, up-skilling).  

By default, newly-created transformations are added first as Drafts. Draft transformations have no effect on your existing competence models, so don't shy away from trying it out.



Appose automatically generates the tasks required to achieve an ideal transformation; Who should be relocated to where, who released from duty.

The resulting set of tasks are presented in the Transformation Designer, allowing you to both visualize the changes but also make adjustments should you need to. It is unbelievably simple.

Shape Your Organization's Future, Today

Book a demo to learn more