July 10, 2024

Reinventing Supply Chains 2030 – by PwC

Muammer Yüksel

We are pleased to officially announce our participation in the PwC study "Reinventing Supply Chains 2030 - towards an adaptable, sustainable and cognitive ecosystem", which was published at the Gartner Supply Chain Symposium in Barcelona. We would like to thank Julius Tatschner and the team at PwC for their collaboration and the valuable time and effort that made this study possible.

Summary of key findings:

1. pressure on today's supply chains:
- Geopolitical, environmental and economic threats: 63% of companies are adapting their supply chains to cope with disruption.
2. holistic transformation required:
- End-to-end approach: 93% of industry leaders are taking a holistic approach to transforming their supply chains.
3 ESG regulations and new opportunities:
- Willingness to comply: 63% of champions are willing to comply with ESG regulations, compared to 12% of all companies surveyed.
4. technology development:
- Use of new technologies: Digital twins, artificial intelligence, intelligent decision-making systems and advanced robotics systems are being used to manage disruption.
5. upcoming changes:
- Transformation initiatives: 51% of all companies have already launched transformation initiatives.

Why appose?

Talent shortage and the labour shortage are worsening

The massive global talent shortage with millions of unfilled positions is impacting daily operations and causing bottlenecks and delays. Technological advances are simultaneously transforming jobs and the skills required. Labour shortages are undermining productivity and efficiency, limiting companies' ability to grow and compete. To address these challenges, it is critical to implement innovative approaches to talent management.

Case Study: Appose

In the study, Appose is highlighted as an example of a successful implementation of modern talent management software. Appose software helps organisations to reconfigure their workforce using predictive analytics to anticipate future skills requirements. It utilises big data, AI and industry-specific insights to proactively identify future industry needs. The machine learning algorithm analyses the individual competencies of employees, providing a clear picture of which skills will be built up in the future and which are no longer likely to be needed.

Special thanks

We would particularly like to thank Julius Tatschner from PwC for including us as a case study in this study. This recognition underlines the effectiveness of our solutions in the area of competence management and workforce transformation.

The full study is available for reference on the PwC Germany website. The reinvention of supply chains is inevitable and we are proud to be part of this pioneering research.

For more information on the study and our solutions, please visit the PwC website or contact us directly.

Click here to go directly to the study and download

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